Club Rules

1 . Objects

The club shall be called Epsom Oddballs Running Club (“the Club”) and its objective will be to help adults to develop and enjoy their running skills and opportunities in a friendly and encouraging environment.

The Club is an unincorporated association, run by members on a voluntary basis for the benefit of members on a not for profit basis.

2 . Affiliation

The Club shall be affiliated to England Athletics and such other bodies as the Committee feels appropriate.

3. Officers and Management

Management of the Club shall be invested in a Committee (“the Committee”) consisting of

In addition, the Committee may co-opt up to TWO additional non-voting members from amongst the membership of the Club.

The Committee will allocate specific roles to it’s members and if it thinks fit, by agreement, to other members of the Club.

Nominations for all posts, including the names of a proposer and seconder and acknowledgement that the candidate is willing to stand, must be delivered in writing (including by email) to the General Secretary of the Club at least 14 days before the AGM.

Unsuccessful candidates for the positions of Chairman, General Secretary or Treasurer will, if they wish, automatically become candidates for the eight other member positions.

If there are no advance nominations for any of the three officer positions then nominations for these positions may be made at the AGM.

If there are less than eight advance nominations for the other positions (including any unsuccessful nominations for the officer positions) then those nominated in advance are automatically elected and nominations for the remaining positions may be made at the AGM.

If there is more than one candidate for any of Chairman, General Secretary or Treasurer, or more than eight candidates for the other members, there will be one or more (up to 4) elections to be held at the time of the AGM. Voting will be by secret ballot according to the process of Single Transferable Vote (STV) as defined by the Electoral Reform Society. Votes can only be cast in person by members present at the AGM.

Members of the Committee are to be elected annually.
The Committee will meet as required, a majority of the committee constituting a quorum.

4. Membership

Membership of the Club is open to amateur runners as defined by England Athletics.. Membership is open to all adults without discrimination and may only be refused where admission would be contrary to the good conduct and interests of the Club. The Club accepts second claim members who wish to join the Club in order to participate in activities not available to them at their first claim clubs.

A candidate for membership must apply for membership by filling in a form provided for the purpose.

Classes of membership are as follows:

The Club is affiliated to England Athletics and seeks to abide by the standards set by that organisation. Individual members can decide to become an affiliated individual member of England Athletics when they pay their Club subscription. The Club adheres to the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation and collects and holds members’ data in accordance with the club’s Privacy Policy.

Any member who in the opinion of the Committee, knowingly or deliberately acted against the best interests of the Club and/or its members will have their membership rescinded.

All members of the Club acknowledge and accept that participating in sport of any kind can be dangerous and may result in injury. Members shall take personal responsibility for their own actions and participate in running and running events entirely at their own risk.

Every fully paid up member, with the Club as their first claim, shall have one vote at a General Meeting which must be cast in person.

5. Life Members

The committee may at its discretion nominate a member to become a Life Member of the Club in recognition of their outstanding services to the Club. Although a Life Member shall be entitled to all benefits of ordinary members, it is expected that, should they wish to be affiliated to England Athletics, they pay those dues accordingly

6. Resignation

The membership year shall last from 1st April until 31st March. Should a member wish to resign during the membership year the Membership Secretary shall be notified and the membership can be terminated without refund for any remaining months.

England Athletics membership too will be non refundable if terminated during the active year, however can be transferred to another England Athletics affiliated run club following the England Athletics transfer process. The Membership Secretary of the Club must be notified in order to release the runner from the Club.

7. Subscription

Membership details must be updated/confirmed each year and sent to the Membership Secretary and the relevant fee paid by bank transfer into the Club account along with the membership fee for England Athletic for members who wish to be members of England Athletics.

The level of subscription will be decided at the AGM. Any person joining the Club after the 1st January in any year shall not be liable to pay their next subscription until the following calendar year.

Failure to renew membership/pay subscriptions within the time frame set by or agreed by the Club/England Athletics will result in runners no longer being members of the Club.

8. Annual General Meeting

A General Meeting shall be held every year to receive the Committee’s Report and Financial Statement, elect Officers and Committee and deal with any other matter specified on the Agenda. The Secretary must give every Member 21 days notice of the Meeting, and notice of any business which it is desired to place on the Agenda must be given to the Secretary, by any TWO Members, at least 14 days prior to the Meeting.

9. Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or by the Chairman or by TEN Members of the Club sending to the Secretary a notice that such Meeting should be called. The business of such a Meeting shall be confined to the matters laid down in the notice of the Meeting. Any such Meeting shall be called within 28 days of the receipt of the notice by the Secretary who shall give not less than 14 days notice to all Members.

10. Alteration of Rules

No alteration or addition my be made to the Rules except by an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for the purpose and then only at the assent of at least two thirds of those present and voting. Votes cast in writing, by email or other means may also be taken into consideration provided that such votes are received by the General Secretary at least 24 hours before the General Meeting.

Notice of any proposed amendment must be given as provided in Rules 8 and 9.

11. Club Colours

The Club colours shall be Royal Blue and Gold (yellow)

When representing or competing for the Club, members are expected to wear the race kit of the Club.

(Please note that for some events the wearing of the race kit of the Club is a requirement of the event.)

It is acknowledged that members running an event for a charity or good cause may wish to wear the associated kit.

12. Other Matters

Matters not covered by these Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee. Interpretation of these Rules shall be decided by the Committee.